References vimtutor Github - spf13-vim openvim - Tutorial Modes Normal Mode: ESC Insert Mode: i Replace Mode: R Visual Mode: v Command Mode: : Commands Quit: :q Save: :w Save and quit: :wq Quit without save: :q! Open file for editing: :e {filename} Show open buffers: :ls 切换不同buffer: :b {filename} :b1: 切换至第1个buffer 关闭当前buffer: :bw Help: :help {topic} opens help for the :w command: :help :w opens help for the w movement: :help w jump from one window to another: Ctrl-W+Ctrl-w Shell command: :! :!ls: list files Retrieve from file: :r {filename} Retrieve from command: :r !ls Set option: :set {option} Ignore case: :set ic 关掉选项,前面加’no’: :set noic Highlight search: :set hls/:nohlsearch 清除上次搜索结果: :noh Command completion: Ctrl-D, or TAB Normal mode Movement Basic movement: hjkl (left, down, up, right) Words: w (next word) b (beginning of word) e (end of word) Lines: 0 (beginning of line) ^ (first non-blank character) $ (end of line) Screen: H (top of screen) M (middle of screen) L (bottom of screen) Scroll: Ctrl-U (up)/Ctrl-D (down):Scroll half a page Ctrl-B (up)/Ctrl-F (down):Scroll a page Percentage jump 30% File: gg (beginning of file) G (end of file) Line numbers: :{number} or {number}G Find: f{character}, t{character}, F{character}, T{character} find/to forward/backward {character} on the current line , / ; for navigating matches Search: `/{regex}`` n / N for navigating matches ? : search in backward direction /ignore\c: ignore case 跳到对应括号: % (corresponding item) Edits insert: i: insert a: append A: append at the end of line insert line below / above: o/O delete: d{motion} dw: delete word d$/D: delete to end of line d0: delete to beginning of line dd: delete line change: c{motion} delete character: x substitude character: s :s/old/new/: substitute ’new’ for the first ‘old’ :s/old/new/g: substitute ’new’ for ‘old’ globally in the line :s/old/new/gc: with prompt :5,10s/old/new/g replace character: r R: 进入replace mode,连续替换字符 undo: u undo line: U redo: Ctrl-R copy (yank): y paste: p filp the case: ~ code complete Ctrl-N: Forward Ctrl-P: Backward Counts 3w move 3 words forward 5j move 5 lines down 7dw/d7w delete 7 words Misc 查看所在位置:Ctrl-G Visual Mode Visual: v Visual Line: V Visual Block: Ctrl-V Insert in Visual Mode: Shift-I Windows Split window: :sp/:vsp :sp {filename}: split window with file Ctrl-W+s/ Ctrl-W+v Move left/down/up/right: Ctrl-W+h/j/k/l, Move to next window: Ctrl-W+w Plugins Vim Awesome ctrlp.vim ctrlp.vim NERDTree NERDTree